There is a walk scheduled from Breadsall Church to Morley Church and back this Saturday (13th November). Meet at 1000 at Breadsall. The walk will be along the Greenway and across the fields, so please wear suitable footwear. Refreshments will be provided at Morley. Suitable for all the family.
Harvest Festival 3 October
Just a reminder that this Sunday sees our Harvest Festival. This service will be suitable for all ages and you are asked to bring a vegetable to roll !!
Gifts of tins and packets of food and household essentials will be split between the Padley Centre and Derby Foodbank.
Cash gifts will be split between the work of Derby City Mission and and support for Afghan refugees.
The service will include holy communion for those who wish to receive.
Following the service, you are invited to a shared lunch in the Memorial Hall where soup and cake will be provided. No charge, but donations welcome (as above)
Convent final sale
The convent on Oakwood has a final ‘sale’ on May 22. See attached flyer for details.
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting for 2020 at which churchwardens and PCC members are elected and the reports are received will be held on-line by zoom on Monday 10th May at 7pm
Please contact the PCC Secretary if you wish to have the meeting code. The election of churchwardens is open to any resident of the parish of Breadsall.
Church open for private prayer and Sunday Worship
The church will be open for private prayer on Thursdays between 4 and 5 pm.
Also, Sunday Services will re-commence on 14th March at 8 am and 1015 am
Please use the West Door (up the steps) as work is continuing in the South Porch.
Update on South Porch
The builders have been getting on with the work on the South Porch. The
thresholds have been replaced,the floor has been levelled and the tiling
is being relaid. A rail has been positioned to help those with mobility
problems. The old inner door, weighing over 180 kilos, has been moved to
the West Porch where it will be hung and kept because of its historic

Ash Wednesday and Lent
There will be a service on Ash Wednesday (February 17th) at 7pm using Zoom. There will be an opportunity to ‘ash’ yourself – have some suitable ashes available, Please let Kate know if you want to join and the link will be sent to you.
Immediately following this, we will start studying a book called ‘The Prayers of Jesus’. This will be over 6 weeks and covers some of the known prayers Jesus is recorded as saying. If you want to join this, please let Kate know again, and also if you want a copy of the book, please let Chris Prior know asap. The book costs £7.
If you cannot join us, but want a challenge, there are many other opportunities to study. The book from the Archbishop of Canterbury is very good. There is a York course and many others are available. Look at options on
Update on South Porch
As most of you will know the church is having a bit of a make over. The South Porch is being re-tiled and having new doors fitted. Work began a couple of weeks ago with our builder, John Howlett. So far the tiles have been removed, as have the thresholds and doors. We are hoping to have the work finished by the end of February. A couple of photos below. Watch this space and we’ll try and keep you updated.