Just to let you know we hope to have a full peal rung to celebrate the Jubilee – starting at 10 am on Saturday morning. 

Also to remind all – 

Village Singalong to Celebrate 70 years of

 Our Lovely Queen!

3pm in the Church on Sunday 5th of June

Followed by a bring and share tea

Drinks provided

       All welcome            !!!!!!!!!!!  

Jubilee weekend

To put in your diary:

Sunday 5th June at 3pm

Time to sing a few favourite songs followed by a bring and share picnic in the churchyard. Tea and coffee will be provided. Please bring chairs and food to share.

Easter Activities

A reminder of what is happening over the Easter period.


7.30pm at Smalley church – a service for the Last Supper followed by a vigil


10 – 12 Activities for children (pre-book with Jane)

10 Service at Morley followed by walk of witness to Breadsall

12 – 1 Service

1 – 3 pm Vigil at the foot of the cross


5.45 am Dawn service

10.15 Easter celebration in church

Concert Saturday 9th April

There will be a concert in church on Saturday 9th April at 7.30 pm. This will have a varied programme of choral music with an Lent/Passiontide/Easter theme sung by the church choir and friends.

Please come along and support the singers. Refreshments will be provided. There will be a retiring offering for work among Ukranian refugees.

Sunday 9th

This Sunday has Morning Prayer at 8am and an All Age Service at 1015 and also Taize at 6.30 pm

The pattern for January is running 1 week later than normal.

Sunday 2 January

Don’t forget that this Sunday, we have NO services at Breadsall. There is a shared service at Smalley at 1030. Services resume on the 9th January with Matins at 8am and All Age at 1015. The normal service pattern runs 1 week later for the rest of the month.

Carol Singing

The carol singing planned for the Redrow estate (Durose Country park) for Thursday 23rd at 7pm has been CANCELLED. Sorry for any disappointment.

Christingle Services

The Christingle services are proceeding as planned. No further tickets will be issued as we have reached safe numbers. Visitors are required to wear face coverings unless medically exempt. Please respect the directions of the stewards who will seat you in an appropriate pew based on your family group size. There will be an opportunity to make a donation on the way in/way out for the work of the Childrens’ Society. It is hoped the contactless card reader will be in operation as well. Thank you for your co-operation in these matters and we hope you have a very happy time, despite the circumstances around us.

Christingle Services

At present, the Christingle services are going ahead. All 3 events on Christmas Eve (at 2, 4 and 6 pm) are ticketed with a limit of 80 people at each event. Tickets are still available for the 2pm and 6pm services – available from the school or church (on Sunday morning) or contact Jane Williams.

If there are any changes, we will post the information here as soon as decisions are made.

Advent 2021

Advent 2021

Speaker: Kate Plant
Series: All Saints' Church Breadsall
Date: 11th December 2021
Plays: 29
Sermon Notes: PDF